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Re: [802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop Update


I accept and am respectfully looking for inputs/ideas from all on this topic to be able to prepare for a productive discussion in Nov.


To start with I can envision 2 possible perspective categories:

  • What do we do to further outwardly communicate the achievements of our members (Project Awards, etc.)
    • To our 802 Publicity Page
    • To IEEE Comp. Society
    • To the recipients respective sponsor(s)
  • What additional recognition(s) can/should we consider
    • Technical Contributor of qtr/yr
      • By WG
      • Overall 802
    • Leadership Contributor of qtr/yr
      • By WG
      • Overall 802


Best Regards,

Clint Powell

Managing Director – Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC

IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & 802 LMSC Executive Committee

Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457    Email:

Skype: clintonpowell




From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <> On Behalf Of Paul Nikolich
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:43 AM
Subject: [802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop Update


Dear All,


Stephen McCann has kindly agreed to serve as the 802 LMSC Workshop Secretary and will give the update at the 01 Oct 2024 conference call because I will be on vacation 28 Sept to 06 Oct.  Thank you Stephen.


Thank you David, Edward and Peter for stepping up to lead your topics.  We are still looking for volunteers to lead the remaining discussion topics. Since we are missing topic leaders, I suggest the following assignments.  To those individuals listed below, please confirm acceptance of the assignment.


James Gilb: Revisit 802 Scope

George Zimmerman: Improve mixed-mode experience

Tuncer Baykas: Improve SW platforms

Geoff Thompson: Initiate new IEEE Milestone activities

David Halasz: Succession Planning

Dorothy Stanley/Glenn Parsons: Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc.

Clint Powell: Improve recognition of exceptional performance


Short Term Topics

  1. Attendance requirements – in person vs remote. David Law, leader.
  2. Improving quality and resiliency of mixed-mode experience
  3. Maintain/improve existing SW platforms: Web pages (content and web platform), Mentor, IMAT, email archive, calendar, Grouper, etc.
  4. Initiate additional IEEE 802 Milestone activities
  5. Improve collaboration with Computer Society. Edward Au, leader.

Long Term Topics

  1. Revisit 802 LMSC Scope
  2. Leadership succession planning and participant support
  3. Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc.
  4. Discuss permissible commercial activities. Peter Yee, leader.
  5. Improve recognition of exceptional performance

Thank you and Regards,





------ Original Message ------

From: "Stephen McCann" <mccann.stephen@GMAIL.COM>

Sent: 9/18/2024 4:05:02 AM

Subject: Re: [802SEC] 01 Oct 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC Conference Call - Draft Agenda



         following a short discussion with Paul, I'd like to add an agenda item to provide a short update on the preparations for the November 2024 LMSC workshop. 5 minutes should suffice.


Kind regards




On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 04:44, John D'Ambrosia <> wrote:


The draft agenda for the 01 Oct 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC conference call has been posted -

Please review and get back to me with any requests for modifications.


John D’Ambrosia

Recording Secretary, IEEE 802 LMSC

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