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[802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop -- topic leader volunteer update

Dear All,

The current set of confirmed volunteer leaders for the 802 LMSC Workshop are shown in BOLD below.  This is great progress, thank you to all that have stepped up to lead topic discussions.

Two topic leaders are TBDs and awaiting confirmation:
- Maintain/improve platforms
- Collaborative Activities with SDOs.  
Please consider volunteering for those positrons -- you don't have to be an 802 LMSC member.

Please Steven McCann know before the Tuesday 01 Oct 802 LMSC telecon if possible, so Steven can include it in his report.

Thank you and regards,


Chair:    Nikolich
Secretary/Amanuensis*:     McCann

Short Term Topics
  1. Attendance requirements – in person vs remote. Law
  2. Improving quality and resiliency of mixed-mode experience. Potterf/Zimmerman
  3. Maintain/improve existing SW platforms: Web pages (content and web platform), Mentor, IMAT, email archive, calendar, Grouper, etc.  TBD
  4. Initiate additional IEEE 802 Milestone activities. Nikolich
  5. Improve collaboration with Computer Society. Au
Long Term Topics
  1. Revisit 802 LMSC Scope. Gilb
  2. Leadership succession planning and participant support. Halasz
  3. Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc. TBD
  4. Discuss permissible commercial activities. Peter Yee
  5. Improve recognition of exceptional performance. Powell

* is a person employed to write or type what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

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