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[802SEC] WG11 motion for Oct 1 telecon

Hello All,

WG11 approved the following motions at the September interim session:

Approve document 11-24-1446r2 as the report to the IEEE 802 LMSC on the requirements for unconditional approval to forward P802.11bk  D3.0 to SA Ballot, and
Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to unconditionally approve forwarding P802.11bk D3.0 to SA ballot.
Moved by Jonathan Segev on behalf of TGbk, Second Roy Want
Result: Yes: 114, No: 0, Abstain: 7 (Motion passes)

Moved by Jonathan Segev on behalf of TGbk, Second: Christian Berger
Result: Yes: 117, No: 0, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes)

Moved by Jonathan Segev on behalf of TGbk, Second: Bo Sun
Result: Yes: 107, No: 8, Abstain: 8 (Motion passes)

As a result I would like the 802 LMSC to consider the following motion on the upcoming October telecon:

Approve sending P802.11bk D3.0 to Standards Association Ballot

Moved: Robert Stacey
Second: Jon Rosdahl


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