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Re: [802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop Update


I confirm acceptance of my assignment.
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

Sep 18, 2024, 7:44 AM by paul.nikolich@ATT.NET:

> Dear All,
> Stephen McCann has kindly agreed to serve as the 802 LMSC Workshop Secretary and will give the update at the 01 Oct 2024 conference call because I will be on vacation 28 Sept to 06 Oct.  Thank you Stephen.
> Thank you David, Edward and Peter for stepping up to lead your topics.  > We are still looking for volunteers to lead the remaining discussion topics. Since we are missing topic leaders, I suggest the following assignments.  To those individuals listed below, please confirm acceptance of the assignment.
> James Gilb: Revisit 802 Scope
> George Zimmerman: Improve mixed-mode experience
> Tuncer Baykas: Improve SW platforms
> Geoff Thompson: Initiate new IEEE Milestone activities
> David Halasz: Succession Planning
> Dorothy Stanley/Glenn Parsons: Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc.
> Clint Powell: Improve recognition of exceptional performance
> Short Term Topics
> Attendance requirements – in person vs remote. David Law, leader.
> Improving quality and resiliency of mixed-mode experience
> Maintain/improve existing SW platforms: Web pages (content and web platform), Mentor, IMAT, email archive, calendar, Grouper, etc.
> Initiate additional IEEE 802 Milestone activities
> Improve collaboration with Computer Society. Edward Au, leader.
> Long Term Topics
> Revisit 802 LMSC Scope
> Leadership succession planning and participant support
> Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc.
> Discuss permissible commercial activities. Peter Yee, leader.
> Improve recognition of exceptional performance
> Thank you and Regards,
> --Paul
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Stephen McCann" <> mccann.stephen@GMAIL.COM> >
> Sent: 9/18/2024 4:05:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [802SEC] 01 Oct 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC Conference Call - Draft Agenda
>> John,
>>          following a short discussion with Paul, I'd like to add an agenda item to provide a short update on the preparations for the November 2024 LMSC workshop. 5 minutes should suffice.
>> Kind regards
>> Stephen
>> On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 04:44, John D'Ambrosia <>>>> > wrote:
>>> All,
>>> The draft agenda for the 01 Oct 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC conference call has been posted -
>>> Please review and get back to me with any requests for modifications.
>>> Regards
>>> John D’Ambrosia
>>> Recording Secretary, IEEE 802 LMSC
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