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[802SEC] FWD: TCOS Seed Funding for Innovative Standards Efforts - Round 14 (deadline September 30, 2024)

---------- Forwarded message ---------

> From: > Patrick McCarren>  > <>> >
> Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 2:12 PM
> Subject: TCOS Seed Funding for Innovative Standards Efforts - Round 14
> To:  <>> >,  <>> >,  <>> >,  <>> >
> Sent on behalf of Loi Lei Lai, Chair, TCOS Seed Funding ad hoc and Edward Au, Chair, TCOS
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The TAB Committee on Standards (TCoS) provides seed funding for projects initiating innovative standards efforts. The current Call for Proposals will open on 1 September, and close on 30 September 2024. 
> Benefits to Societies/Councils
> Societies/Councils (S/C) are encouraged to apply for seed funding to strengthen relationships between their volunteers’ expertise and standards development, and to elevate the role and visibility of their S/C in the standards development process. 
> TCoS’ seed funding awards are for up to USD$10,000. In addition, in alignment with the priorities of IEEE Standards Association, up to USD$20,000 may be offered for new proposals that impact sustainability for either our material universe, for instance, energy or climate change, or sustainability in our information universe, for instance, in internet safety, security, or usefulness.
> Qualifying Projects
> Overall, TCoS is looking for proposals from IEEE Societies and Councils (S/Cs) that:
> Promote activities leading to a new standard development such as submission of a Project Authorization Request (PAR) to IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA)
> Publicize the importance of standards development through events, workshops or conferences
> Prioritize on new applications for sustainability 
> Pay attention on emerging technologies and the need for standardization to create market
> Qualifying Time Period
> TCoS’ call for proposals is applicable to projects beginning no earlier than 1 January 2025 and ending by 31 December 2025. 
> Deadline and How to Apply for TCOS Seed Funding
> Apply for TCoS Seed Funding by using the > Funding Request Form <>> .>  > The funding request form and related resources have been posted > on the TA Operations webpage, > TAB Committee on Standards Seed Funding Opportunities <
 zNWlbDBj3Dl-O6Q3RDMq8eL28I5mSgVe1uZjA==>>  .
> Deadline for the call for proposals opening on 1 September is > 30 September 2024. 
> Additional Information
> See an > introductory presentation about TCoS,  <>> and see the following examples of a successful implementation of TCoS seed funding:
> Signal Processing Society, <>>  and
> Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society <>> . 
> Learn more on the > TAB Committee on Standards Seed Funding Opportunities <>>  webpage, or contact Patrick McCarren at >> .>  
> Additional information is available in the > TAB Committee on Standards (TCoS) Resource Center <>> .
> --
> Patrick McCarren, CAE
> Society Executive Director
> IEEE Industry Applications Society
> Office: > +1 732 562 2 <tel:%2B1%20732%20562%206524>> 663
> Email: > <>>  
> Follow me on twitter: @pgmccarren
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