It is in the WG P&P. I spent a lot of time persuading everyone to accept my terminology of home WG and target WG. It all resides in 4.2.4 Maintaining Credit:
To encourage attendance in certain target Working Groups whose subject matter is of significance to a Working Group, the Working Group Chair may designate other Working Groups as target groups.
A home group is a Working Group or TAG in which a person is a member (i.e., has voting rights). A target group is a Working Group or TAG in which the person is attending and the Working Group Chair of the home group has approved as target group. Maintaining credit is meeting participation credit that is registered in the home group while the person is attending a meeting in the target group.
The Chair of the home group shall determine if maintaining credit will be allowed for that home group while attending a target group. A person registering attendance in a target group shall obtain attendance credit in the persons home group and the target group. If the person has more than one home group for which the Chair of the home group has allowed maintaining credit, then the person shall select which home group for which they will be given credit.
James Gilb
On 4/15/19 11:45 AM, paul nikolich wrote:
James, Roger, Jon, Subir, Jay, Tim,
I've been looking for the documented 802 reciprocal attendance policy without success, if you know where it is, please point me it. Thank you.