I am requesting the following motion to be put on the consent agenda for
Monday's meeting. Please let me know if you have any comments regarding
Moved: To hold an EC Executive Session meeting on 17 March 2013, from
10:30-10:45 during the Plenary Session to discuss cost comparisons from
potential vendors of Network Services for specific future venues.
Attendees: 802 members and WG/TAG Vice Chairs who do not have a conflict
of interest with regards to Network Services provision for IEEE 802.
Moved Gilb, Second D'Ambrosia
Executive Session Agenda
1) Remind attendees of Executive Session rules.
2) Discuss cost trade-offs for networking support during future plenary
meetings. In particular to compare costs and benefits for support
provided by the property versus costs and benefits from using an outside
3) Summary
4) Determine the content of the public report.
- The intent of the meeting is present information only.
- Specific cost numbers will be presented and are to be held
- Decision would be part of a motion at the closing Sponsor meeting
to approve future plenary venue with guidance for contract negotiation
given to the Executive Secretary or Meeting Designee.
- Discussion and decision on future plenary venues will be conducted
in open session, with the caveat that only overall costs will be discussed.
James Gilb