Our first conference call will be held Wednesday, September 26, 2012,
1:00 PM PDT for 1 hour. Call information is as follows:
Call number: 1-218-936-4141
Participant Access Code (edit): 1084936
- Discuss document 24-12-0011-02-00sg which is the Standards
Information Form for 802.15.4. This can be found at:
- Determine if it can be forwarded to W. Ash to be sent as part of the
catalog of standards (CoS) for SGIP process.
Note that 802.24 anticipates (and hopes) that other 802 WGs will be
submitting similar contributions for their standards to be placed with
the CoS. A template that has the common information for IEEE 802
standards can be found at:
James Gilb
802.24 TAG Chair