[802SEC] IEEE 802 University Ad Hoc first call - Friday 6th January at 5:00PM GMT (9:00AM PST, 12:00N EST)
Based on the responses to the Doodle poll I will be holding the first call of the IEEE 802 University Ad Hoc this Friday (6th January) at 5:00PM GMT (9:00AM PST, 12:00N EST). The call in details are as follows:
USA Toll: 1-702-696-4520
USA Toll Free: 1-866-409-2889
UK Toll Free: 0844-579-0686
UK Toll: 01452-555574
Conference Code: 4041560157
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Law, David
Sent: 19 December 2011 14:38
To: IEEE 802 SEC <stds-802-sec@ieee.org>; 'Mark Cummings'; Charlie Perkins <charliep@tellabs.com>; 'Kathryn Bennett'; 'Susan Tatiner <s.tatiner@ieee.org>'
Subject: IEEE 802 University Ad Hoc
As you may recall I was chartered at the IEEE 802 closing plenary in November to chair an IEEE 802 University Ad Hoc, details of the proposals can be found at <http://www.ieee802.org/secmail/pdfw8Hq5wmZGj.pdf>.
I would therefore like to hold the first meeting of the Ad Hoc early in the New Year, please could you therefore indicate your availability for a one hour call <http://www.doodle.com/53f6dqgz764eseib>. Please feel free to forward this link to anybody I have missed.
Thanks and best regards,
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