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Re: [802SEC] +++EC Motion+++ Approval of submission in response to Saudi Arabia CST’s consultation on spectrum outlook


I vote approve.




From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <> On Behalf Of Edward Au
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2024 2:59 AM
Subject: [802SEC] +++EC Motion+++ Approval of submission in response to Saudi Arabia CST’s consultation on spectrum outlook


Dear colleagues,

With this email I would like to announce the start of a LMSC ballot on a draft response to the Saudi Arabia Communications, Space & Technology Commission (CST)’s consultation “Spectrum Outlook for Commercial and Innovative Use 2024-2027”.

James has delegated to me to conduct a LMSC (EC) 10-day electronic ballot on the motion below to approve the comments to the administration.  This EC motion is per IEEE 802 OM 7.2.1 Procedure, P&P 7.1 b) (majority response) and P&P 7.1.2 (2/3 approval of votes cast) for communication with government bodies and public statements.  With that we would like to see everyone respond.

Move to approve document for submission to CST before the submission deadline, with editorial license granted to the IEEE 802.18 chair.
o   Approved in the RR-TAG: _7_ / _0_ / _4_ (The Chair did not vote)

Mover:     Edward Au

Seconder:  Dave Halasz

Start of ballot: 11 October 2024
Close of ballot: 20 October 2024

Reference document



On Thu, Oct 3, 2024 at 10:31PM Edward Au <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

I would like to request the review of the following draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission by Monday, 7 October 2024, A.O.E, before asking the LMSC to consider approval of the submission tentatively via a 10-day letter ballot.

In September 2024, Saudi Arabia CST began a public consultation "
Spectrum Outlook for Commercial and Innovative Use 2024-2027  " that asks for opinion on its plans on spectrum strategy, including the proposed use of AFC for 6 GHz and the TeraHertz communications.

A few individuals prepared a response to support the administration's proposal, and provide detailed responses to two questions about AFC and TeraHertz communications.  The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 3 October 2024 with the following voting results:  7 Yes, 0 No, 4 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:



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