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Re: [802SEC] +++ Third EC review +++ a draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission to US FCC

Dear EC members,

Thanks to Dorothy's review,and share with me her editorial comments, the updated draft response is posted:


On Mon, Sep 2, 2024 at 4:51 PM Edward Au <> wrote:
Dear EC members,

Thanks again for your patience on the emails related to IEEE 802.18 related agenda items!

Recently, the US FCC began a consultation on a petition from a company to consider the 900 MHz band for licensed operations.  A few individuals, who are active in IEEE 802.11 and 802.15, prepared a response that opposes this petition. The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 29 August 2024 with the following voting results:  7 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:

Please kindly review and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions prior to the upcoming LMSC teleconference call.

Thanks and Regards,

On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 12:55 PM Edward Au <> wrote:
Dear EC members,

I would like to request the review of the following draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission by Monday, 2 September 2024, A.O.E, before asking the EC to consider approval of the submission in its upcoming monthly teleconference call.

Recently, the Oman Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) began a consultation on an updated UWB regulation, which asks for public opinions on the updates the administration prepared in  accordance with ECC Decision (06)04and the ETSI EN 302 065 series of standards.

A few individuals, who are active in IEEE 802.11 and 802.15, prepared a response that not only applauds the admin's decision but also proposes an item to remove an outdated reference. The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 29 August 2024 with the following voting results:  5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:


Thanks and Regards,

On Mon, Aug 26, 2024 at 5:40 PM Edward Au <> wrote:
Dear EC members,

I would like to request the review of the following draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission by Monday, 2 September 2024, A.O.E, before asking the EC to consider approval of the submission in its upcoming monthly teleconference call.

Recently, the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) began a consultation on an updated radio standards specification, RSS-248, Issue 3 “Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band, which asks for public opinions on the proposed category of very low power device and its technical requirements.

A few individuals, who are active in IEEE 802.11 and 802.18, prepared a response that not only applauds the admin's decision but also proposes a couple of items. The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 22 August 2024 with the following voting results:  10 Yes, 0 No, 3 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:


Thanks and Regards,

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