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[802SEC] 802.11 WG Origins -- 802.4L Thru Air Media?

Dear Al,

No, nothing has been prepared yet for the 802.11 Working Group.  I think it will be great if you could trace the 802.11WG back to its origins in 802.4 -- there was a project named 802.4L Thru Air Media in the late 1980s that I think eventually morphed into 802.11 in 1990.



------ Original Message ------
To: "'Paul Nikolich'" <>;
Cc:;; "'Peter Jones (petejone)'" <>
Sent: 8/12/2024 8:13:02 PM
Subject: RE: 802 History Ad Hoc 12AUG2024 meeting notes, action items, next meeting notice: 1pm ET 06OCT2024

Hi Paul,


Did any provide  a list of initial 802.11 documents PHYs / MAC dating back to 1994-2000?  There’s a story board to standard’s milestones.





From: Paul Nikolich <>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 4:37 PM
Cc:; Al Petrick <>;; Peter Jones (petejone) <>
Subject: 802 History Ad Hoc 12AUG2024 meeting notes, action items, next meeting notice: 1pm ET 06OCT2024


Dear EC,


The 12 August 2024 802 History Ad Hoc meeting deck with notes is available at


The next meeting is scheduled for 1-2pm ET 06 October.


The action items resulting from the meeting are as follows:

  1. Paul to announce next meeting scheduled for 1pm ET 06 October 2024
  2. GOT to obtain estimate to bulk digitize the documents by 06OCT2024
  3. Paul to contact InfoAge Science & History Museums by 06OCT2024
  4. Paul (with support from Edward) to follow up with CS Staff on Charles Babbage Institute in Minnesota, provide update 06OCT2024
  5. Edward to report on 12SEP2024 CS BoG decision on 2025 $50k initiative request
  6. PaulN to circulate a list of all 802 Groups (since inception) and their chairs to the ad hoc
  7. Joerg to identify and locate all documents related to the founding  and early operations of the 802.15 WG





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