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[802SEC] Regarding conditional approval for 802.11/REVme D7.0 to be forwarded to RevCom

Hello 802 LMSC,

The 3rd recirculation ballot for 802.11REVme on D7.0 completed on August 8, 2024. The CRG has met and resolved a single comment received.

The results are: 
Approve: 113 
Disapprove with MBS: 2
Abstains: 5
Approval rate: 98%
Return rate: 88%

There are no new DISAPPROVE votes. 

There are no new valid DISAPPROVE comments on new issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the submitter from existing DISAPPROVE voters.

No technical changes were made to the draft as a result of the recirculation ballot.

Here is a link to the latest(final) REVme comment spreadsheet:

The conditions for forwarding to RevCom are met and I will proceed to do so.

Robert Stacey
IEEE 802.11 WG Chair,
Mobile phone: +1-503-724-0893

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