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[802SEC] Reminder 802 History Ad Hoc webex 1pm ET Monday 12 Augus

Dear 802 History Ad Hoc Participants,

Please remember we have a call scheduled 1pm ET today, Monday 12 August.  See attached deck.  
Note: the meeting ends at 1:45pm ET.

1.Obtain and review status on ongoing activities
2.Obtain agreement on a regular meeting cadence and tentative dates

Monthly, bi-monthly, other ?

3.Review ad hoc membership, recruit participants (especially from disbanded groups)
4.Any other business?



 802 History Ad Hoc
WhenMon, August 12, 1pm – 1:45pm
Description1st Meeting of the 802 History Ad Hoc -~-~-~-~-~-~-~- ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- -- Do not delete or change any of the following text. -- Join meeting in my Webex Personal Room | 599 544 492

Current Membership: 802.0 Paul Nikolich, James Gilb, 802.01 none 802.03 Geoff Thompson, Peter Jones 802.11 Srinivas Kandala, Al Petrick 802.15 Joerg Robert 802.18 Edward Au 802.19 Tuncer Baykas 802.24 none

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Attachment: DCN ec-24-0197-04-00EC 12AUG2024 802-history-ad-hoc.pptx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation