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[802SEC] IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision)

Dear IEEE 802 LMSC members,

At the 4 June 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC teleconference interim meeting, conditional approval was granted to submit IEEE P802.3.1 (IEEE 802.3.1b) Ethernet SMIv2 Data Model Definitions (revision) to Standards Association ballot. Details are provided in the attached report, but in summary, the response to the IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual Clause 12 'Procedure for conditional approval to forward a draft standard' items are as follows. Based on these responses, I will go ahead and submit IEEE P802.3.1 to Standards Association ballot.

Best regards,


a) The recirculation balloting is complete. The third recirculation ballot occurred in accordance with the plan presented. The third recirculation ballot comment resolution meeting was about 10 days later than planned.

b) The approval rate is 100%.

c) No technical changes have been made.

   Note - The following two editorial changes will be made in preparation for Standards Association ballot:

   [1] Change the draft number to 3.0 and update the draft publication date
   [2] Change the front matter to reference that the draft is for Standards Association ballot

d) The approval rate is 100%.

e) There are no new DISAPPROVE votes.

f) Please see the attached report for the date the ballot closed and the vote tally.

This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector.  This list is maintained by Listserv.

Attachment: IEEE_802d3d1b_clause_12_report.pdf
Description: IEEE_802d3d1b_clause_12_report.pdf