Dear EC members,
I would like to request the review of the following draft IEEE 802 submission by Monday 31 July 2023 A.O.E, before proceeding to either a 10-day letter ballot tentatively on Tuesday 1 August 2023.
On 17 July 2023, Malaysia MCMC began a consultation asking for public opinion on its Wolrd Raidocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) positions.
As for agenda item 1.2 that are of interests to 802.11 and 802.15, the following are the MCMC's proposed positions:
- Malaysia supports the identification of IMT in the 7025-7125 MHz frequency band with appropriate regulatory and technical conditions, taking into account the results of studies to ensure the protection of services to which the frequency band is allocated on a primary basis and in adjacent bands.
- Malaysia notes that the following frequency bands are being considered for other Regions and would not oppose an IMT identification in those Regions, where relevant: - 3600-3800 MHz and 3300-3400 MHz (Region 2); - 3300-3400 MHz (amend footnote in Region 1); - 6425-7025 MHz (Region 1); and - 10.0-10.5 GHz (Region 2).
Similar to our approved response to Japan MIC's consultation on WRC-23 agenda items, a few individuals prepared a response asking the administration to take into account our our opinions to retain the current status (“No Change”) of the 6425 MHz to 7025 MHz and 7025 MHz to 7125 MHz bands, and not adopt an IMT identification in these bands in its decision towards WRC-23. The proposed response was discussed in the most recent IEEE 802.18 teleconference and approved by a motion with 11 Yes, 0 No, and 1 Abstain.
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