Dear Colleagues,
In the next 3 weeks, I may conduct two EC reviews of draft responses to two different administrations, followed by the respective 10-day email ballots:
China MIIT's consultation (submission deadline: 1 July)
- Tentative EC review period: From later today (15 June) or tomorrow (16 June) to Sunday (18 June)
- Tentative 10-day EC ballot: From Monday 19 June to Wednesday 28 June
UAE's consultation (submission deadline: 7 July)
- Tentative EC review period: From Friday 23 June to Monday 26 June
- Tentative 10-day EC ballot: From Tuesday 27 June to Thursday 6 July
My intent is to minimize the overlap period (of both review and ballot) between these 2 consultations, and it is the best I can think of.
Thanks and Regards,
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