Dear EC Members,
So far I've had three positive responses (including myself) to holding the November closing EC meeting, therefore I will make arrangements to chair the meeting from one of the conference rooms at IEEE HQ.
Either way, please let me know what your plans will be for the meeting so I may arrange the appropriate meeting facilities.
------ Original Message ------
Sent: 9/27/2021 2:14:39 PM
Subject: November closing plenary meeting -- mixed mode poll
Dear EC Members,
I would like your feedback on whether or not you would consider in joining me at IEEE HQ in Piscataway NJ for a 4 hour mixed-mode closing 802 EC meeting Friday 19 November 2021. I'm fairly confident we can provide a much better audio experience, as I'll make sure we have an audio tech on site.
Please respond either directly to me or via the reflector. Either way, I am very interested in your feedback and opinions.
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