[802SEC] reminder: 802 restructuring ad hoc 1-2pm ET today Tuesday 21 September 2021
Dear EC Members and 802 Restructuring ad hoc participants,
Please remember we will have an ad hoc meeting today, 21 September 2021, from 1-2pm ET. The main focus of today's meeting will be to discuss and refine a strategic proposal to better coordinate the various 802 next gen activities across all the 802 groups.
I will also ask the sub-ad hoc chairs to provide brief updates on the status of their activities, as appropriate.
Speak to you soon.
p.s. webex coordinates are
802 Restructuring ad hoc
When Tue, September 21, 1pm – 2pm
Where https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m236bedd45a9d1534af8ef393cf62f6a1 (map)
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