[802SEC] Fw: Call for Nominations for Standards Achievements
Dear EC Members,
Time is short, consider nominating an 802 participant for the Hans Karlsson Standards Award before 01 October 2021!
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Sent: 9/16/2021 9:48:25 AM
Subject: Call for Nominations for Standards Achievements
Call for Standards Award Nominations
Award Nomination Deadline | 1 October 2021
This award was established in 1992 in memory of Hans Karlsson, chairman and "father" of the IEEE 1301 family of standards.
A plaque and $2,000 honorarium are presented in recognition of outstanding skills and dedication to diplomacy, team facilitation, and joint achievement in the development or promotion of standards in the computer industry where individual aspirations, corporate competition, and organizational rivalry could otherwise be counter to the benefit of the society.
NOMINATION SUBMISSION A completed nomination and three endorsements are required by the award deadline on the nomination site. Self-nominations are not accepted. View nomination questions here. Read more award details at bit.ly/hans-karlsson
CONTACT US awards@computer.org
IEEE Computer Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, California 90720-1314, United States
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