We have been kicking around the concept of 'hybrid meetings' for a while now. I would like to re-brand them as 'mixed mode sessions'.
In order to open the discussion up to a wider group, George and I thought it would be good to share a draft a "Best Practices for Mixed Mode IEEE 802 LMSC Sessions" document among the EC for wider discussion and refinement. My objective for the The Best Practices document will at least get the EC on the same page and remove ambiguities or potential misinterpretations when we discuss Mixed Mode Session.
I will allocate time during the opening EC meeting to briefly discuss this topic, with the intent of setting aside 60-90 minutes during the July plenary for a suitable day/time to dive into the details. I know there will be a lot of debate and discussion, let's try to get to consensus on what a fair and equitable Mixed Mode Session is. Then we can determine if any policy changes need to be made.
How to Create Seriously Impressive Hybrid Events: splash
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