b. SA has procured license for Direct Vote Live (DVL), SA will continue to support going forward. There is no a cap to the number of simultaneous meetings using DVL.
Erin – AI: determine the degree of staff support necessary
b. The SA has procured its own license for Direct Vote Live (DVL), it has previously been piggybacking on the TAB license.
The SA will continue to provide the personnel to support DVL operation going forward. There is no cap from DVL to the number of simultaneous meetings that can be run. The limiting factor is staff availability for operational support.
Erin – AI: determine the degree of staff support necessary.
RE: c. hybrid meetings
The SA has no current plans to support hybrid meetings.
Nikolich thinks they don't work for standards development
but thinks we need to look into them anyway.
Erin Action Item – Erin will ask Adam Newman if this is something that can be supported?
Things have changed tremendously wrt to remote meeting technology in the last year, therefore hybrid capabilities have improved a lot recently. On that basis we should begin investigation immediately.
It was mentioned that hybrid meetings in other arenas use professional cameramen and technical support.
Geoff Thompson pointed out that plenary meetings often have professional audio support, so this is not a completely new area. We are already spending money in this area.
Jon Rosdahl pointed out that we need to keep in mind that we need to support many simultaneous meetings. That would significantly raise our networking cost to a premium level. This could become prohibitively expensive
Geoff Thompson pointed out that hybrid meetings are a reality we need to pay attention to, like them or not. If we are going to do that then a list of requirements needs to be developed. What features are we actually looking for? Will those features make hybrid meetings good enough?
We need to understand the capabilities of hybrid meeting platforms, we need to kick off an examination of hybrid meeting requirements and viability.
e. Mentor replacement investigation – status update
e. -- is there a project plan/milestones identified? AI: Erin will check with Adam.
e. -- Is there an actual overall project plan on paper with identified milestones?
Erin didn't think so but took an ACTION ITEM to check with Adam