802 WG Chairs,
This Meeting is only to discuss the WG requirements for March 2021.
attend or send a representative of your respective WG to discuss the
space and resources available for the 2021 March Plenary Session.
I am sorry for the error in the email invite yesterday. the time should be 10am ET.
Kind Regards,
Jon Rosdahl IEEE 802 Executive Secretary changed the Webex meeting information.
When it's time, join the Webex meeting here.
Meeting number (access code): 173 682 6566
Meeting password: venuespace |
Thursday, November 12, 2020
10:00 am | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) | 1 hr
Join by phone | +1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City) | +1-213-306-3065 United States Toll (Los Angeles) | Global call-in numbers |
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