Dear EC,
During discussions with Geoff and Apurva it has become apparent there is a need to interpret WG P&P 7.2 Voting Between Meetings. The current text is as follows:
7.2 Voting Between Meetings
At the discretion of the Chair, the Working Group shall be allowed to conduct votes between
meetings by the use of a letter or electronic ballot. If such actions are to be taken, they shall
follow the rules of IEEE Bylaw I-300.4(4)*.
I interpret the above to mean the following:
A WG member may request the WG Chair to make a motion via email between meetings. If the WG Chair recognizes the request and obtains a mover and seconder for the motion, the WG Chair (or his designee) may conduct an electronic ballot which shall pass
upon unanimous consent of the WG voting members.
James, we should put this interpretation into the 802 Chair's Guidelines and add it to the queue for consideration of WG P&P changes.
*I-300.44) Unless otherwise restricted by statute, the Certificate of Incorporation of the corporation or these bylaws, any
action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee or board reporting directly to the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting if a unanimous consent, which sets forth the action,
is signed, or acknowledged via e-mail by all members of the board or committee, as the case may be. If written, the consent must be executed by such party through signing such consent or causing his or her signature to be affixed to such consent by any reasonable
means including, but not limited to, facsimile signature. If electronic, the transmission of the consent must be sent by electronic mail and set forth, or be submitted with, information from which it can be reasonably determined that the transmission was authorized
by the director. The action and written confirmations shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the board or committee.