The IEEE 802.11 PAR Review SC has reviewed the 802.3cu PAR and have the following comments:
2.1 Title: Suggest incorporating the differentiating nature from the scope “optical interfaces for reaches up to 10 km based on 100 Gb/s per wavelength optical signaling.” into the title to make it more unique.
4.2 – Suggest 3/2020 instead of 4/2020. The 6th Month delta is the minimum. Suggestion is to start in March which is a Plenary Date, then the October date is a deadline for December SASB, and is understood.
No comment
Respectfully Submitted,
802.11 PAR Review SC Chair
Jon Rosdahl Engineer, Senior Staff
office: 801-492-4023 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
cell: 801-376-6435 10871 North 5750 West
Highland, UT 84003
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A Family is necessary to be happy!!
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