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I would take exception with one of the metrics. Regulations are supposed to maintain technology neutrality, i.e. not referring to specific standards. Currently in ETSI BRAN there is a fight over the mention of 802.11 in EN 301 893, and IMHO I would expect that going forward there would be less reference to specific standards.
Rich Kennedy
President & Chief Regulatory Officer
Unlicensed Spectrum Advocates
rich@unlicensedspectrumadvocates. org
+1 (737) 202-7014
From: Jodi Haasz
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 8:55 AM
Subject: [802SEC] IEEE-SA Fellowship Program Developments
Hi Everyone,
I am preparing information about the IEEE-SA Fellowship Program and developments to date. As some of you may have had/be having conversations with the participants since the program, both in 2017 and this year, if there have been any developments from your conversations, could you please let me know by the end of business on Wednesday, 13 June? As a reminder, the goals and metrics for the program are as follows (this information will be shared with the EC).
- Increase awareness and understanding of IEEE-SA activities
- Bring developing countries’ perspectives into the IEEE-SA (insight, knowledge, local needs)
- Grow IEEE-SA advocates from developing countries for the IEEE standards development paradigm
- IEEE standards and its standards development principles are accepted by policymakers and regulators
- IEEE-SA is recognized as a technical advisor by governments and in multi-lateral/international fora
- IEEE 802 standards referenced in regulation
- Adoption of IEEE standards
- Advocating for the IEEE paradigm of standards development and use of IEEE 802 standards in country
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,
Jodi Haasz
International Affairs Senior Manager
IEEE Standards Association
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA
Phone +1 732 562 6367
Mobile +1 732 439 9144
FAX +1 732 562 1571
Email: j.haasz@ieee.org
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IEEE – Advancing Technology for Humanity
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