Dear EC members,
On Thursday 21stnd July 2017 the IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group approved an input document to Canada’s Innovation, Science and Economic Development
(ISED), for their 5G consultation. It was discussed in IEEE 802.18 at the face-to-face meeting in Berlin. The teleconference was authorized with sufficient time to declare a quorum. The deadline for submissions is 4th August 2017.
I would now like to proceed to the motion in respect to this submission and Paul has delegated the conduct of the EC electronic ballot to me.
Approve <>
'Comments to Canada Consultation on Releasing Millimetre Wave Spectrum to Support 5G' as communication to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, granting the IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license.
Moved by: Rich Kennedy, on behalf of the TAG
Seconded by: Adrian Stephens
Start of ballot: Tuesday 25th July 2017
Close of ballot: Thursday 3rd August 2017, 11:59PM AOE
Thank you.
Rich Kennedy
Director, Global Spectrum Strategy
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Board Director, Dynamic Spectrum Alliance
Chair, IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group
Chair Emeritus, IEEE 802.11af WLAN in TVWS
Chair, Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum & Regulatory Task Group
(737) 202-7014