The Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) of the
IEEE-SA Board of Governors (BOG) is soliciting the names of candidates to serve
on the 2018/2019 IEEE-SA BOG and the 2019/2020 IEEE-SA BOG.
"4.1.1 IEEE-SA BOG responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the IEEE-SA BOG and each Board member
to uphold the reputation of the IEEE as a worldwide professional technical
society and the IEEE-SA as a world leader in the development and promulgation
of standards. To carry out these responsibilities, the IEEE-SA BOG will, at a
a) Approve policy additions/changes
with significant financial/strategic implications for the IEEE-SA
b) Pursue programs to meet the global
needs of standards users
c) Monitor developments in government
and industry that demonstrate the need for standards-related activities and
propose appropriate action to the IEEE-SA Standards Board
d) Make recommendations to the IEEE
Board of Directors on standards-related issues
e) Maintain a current Operations
Manual in concert with IEEE Bylaws and IEEE Policies
f) Establish and disband committees,
as appropriate, to perform the work of the IEEE-SA BOG
g) Strive to establish and maintain a
constituency of IEEE-SA member representatives of all basic interests:
1) Technical societies and councils
2) Regional organizational units
3) Industry
4) Government
5) The general public
h) Provide financial oversight for
the overall operation of the IEEE-SA
i) Recommend candidates to be elected
by the IEEE-SA constituency for the positions of IEEE-SA President-Elect in
alternating years, and two members-at-large annually
j) Approve membership of the IEEE-SA
Standards Board
k) Approve IEEE-SA position
l) Hold and attend meetings to
accomplish the work of the IEEE-SA BOG
m) Provide an awards program for
recognition of exceptional service
n) Appoint the chair of the IEEE-SA
Standards Board
o) Appoint two IEEE-SA BOG
members-at-large annually
4.1.2 IEEE-SA BOG functions
The IEEE-SA BOG will perform the following basic functions:
a) Establish and maintain a
constituency of a wide range of basic interests among industry, government, and
public areas
b) Address the global interests of
the technical societies and regional organizational units of the IEEE
c) Establish and achieve strategic,
long-range goals and objectives to better serve the constituency and customer
base with appropriate standards-related products and services
d) Review all policy additions and/or
changes with significant financial or strategic implications
e) Set policy for new methods of
standards development as needed"
Please reply by 1 May 2017.
The slate of candidates will be forwarded to the IEEE-SA Board
of Governors Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) for its review.
Rules for IEEE-SA BOG membership:
1. The time commitment is three face-to-face meetings and at
least one teleconference plus appropriate preparation time.
The BOG meetings are denoted by blue highlight.
Attendance is expected at all meetings.
2. This is a non-funded position. You (or your employer) are
expected to fund your travel.
3. You must have an email address, web access, and a laptop
computer to bring to the meeting.
4. All voting members of the IEEE-SA BOG shall be of IEEE
Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade, and shall have membership in the
We look forward to your participation.
Best regards,
Bruce Kraemer, Chair
IEEE-SA Board of Governors Nominations and Appointments