[802SEC] Consent agenda item for Monday: IEEE Std 802.3bu-2016 press release
Dear Colleagues,
My thanks to the IEEE 802 EC members who provided comments on IEEE Std 802.3bu-2016 draft press release, an updated draft release is available at <https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/17/ec-17-0023-00-00EC-ieee-std-802-3bu-2016-publication-press-release.pdf>.
Based on the above I've asked that the following motion be placed on the Monday morning IEEE 802 EC consent agenda.
Thanks and best regards,
The EC supports the IEEE Std 802.3bu-2016 Power over Data Lines (PoDL) publication press release available at <https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/17/ec-17-0023-00-00EC-ieee-std-802-3bu-2016-publication-press-release.pdf>, to be issued with editorial changes as deemed necessary.
Move: David Law
Second: John D'Ambrosia
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