802.11 PAR Review SC has reviewed the PARs under consideration and have the following comments:
802.3cb - Amendment: 2.5Gb/s and 5 Gb/s Operation over Backplane, PAR Modification and CSD:Section 8.1 – An Explanation should be put in 8.1 to explain what was modified.
CSD has a “(CU4HDD)” which is not defined, is it necessary? Suggest remove.
CSD – Footer indicates “March 2016” suggest update as this CSD is being updated and should be documented as such.
802.3.2 (802.3cf)- Standard: Ethernet YANG data, PAR and CSD5.5 – Expand NETCONF acronym for the first time use.
CSD – update page 1 “Ad Hoc Draft Edit Copy” should this be removed?