Here is possible text:
The following should be considered for inclusion on the consent agenda upon request:
Information items such as:
- Presentation of the Tutorial schedule at the opening meeting, only if all presentations have been given to the Recording Secretary according to the guidelines.
- Other pro-forma information items
and motions such as:
- First renewal of a Study Group (either ECSG or WGSG)
- Public statements (e.g., press releases, responses to regulatory bodies, liaison statements, etc.) that have been announced to the EC email reflector made available to the EC members
- Approval of meeting minutes from previous meetings if they have been announced to the EC email reflector and distributed 1 week in advance of the plenary
- Other motions that are expected to pass without discussion including motions to progress drafts to Sponsor ballot or RevCom.
Requests for items to be on the consent agenda should be made to the Recording Secretary* at least 48 hours before the meeting start. All supporting documentation for items on the consent agenda other than minutes and WG vote counts should be uploaded to the consent agenda group on the EC document server at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting.
Working Group vote counts should be provided by one hour before the start of the meeting.**
*During the meeting, John suggested that requiring this to be sent to everyone would get the notification out sooner and we were already over time so I didn't respond. Part of the intent of this proposal is to get the information consolidated so one doesn't have to comb through emails to find it since it is too easy to miss something. By sending all requests to the secretary well in advance, EC members can use the list of consent agenda items on the agenda as a guide to what should have supporting documentation.
** We are discussion how to provide the vote counts with minimal pain to the chairs and reviewers. Possibly via shared spreadsheet for the consent agenda items where chairs can input the vote counts for their items.
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.