[802SEC] Term limits for Chairs
Short answer: The term limits for WG Officers was deleted from the WG
P&P in March 2014. The reference for the vote threshold is moot as
there is no requirement to hold the vote.
Details below:
In March 2014, we had a motion (from the approved minutes):
* Motion #22 The EC approves the changes described in document
ec-14-0011-04, slides 12-16, to the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies
& Procedures
Moved Gilb
Second D’Ambrosia
Results 13-0-0
Motion Passes
Reference 4.03
Slide 12, titled "Remove term limits" had the following content:
Delete from 6.2
An officer who wishes to run for election who has held the office
for five (5) or more full or partial terms shall seek permission from
the WG. Any full or partial terms for that office count towards this
requirement even if not held consecutively. Permission to run shall be
sought at the plenary session prior to the session when the election
will be held.
This edit was applied to v14 to create v15. The redline document
shows this on page 6.
However, the edit missed the reference to the voting threshold for this
action, which was in subclause 9.3 up to an including our currently
approved WG P&P (v16). In the new baseline, subclause 9.3 is subclause
7.1.2 and this item has been removed.
So, while there is currently a vote threshold, there is no need to hold
the vote as the requirement was removed effective at the end of the
closing plenary in March 2014.
James Gilb
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