Dear EC members,
I am at the 802 wireless interim session in Vancouver Canada this
week and met with a few of the key interested parties to resolve the
pending 802-to-FCC communication regarding the completion of the 802.11
RR DSRC TT work. We put together a short, straightforward statement
regarding the activity. It was agreed to by everyone involved as an
effective way to communicate the accomplishments of the Tiger Team.
It is located at
My plan to close the pending 802/FCC/DSRC-TT action item from the
March plenary closing EC meeting is to ask AdrianS and JonR to
move/second a motion for EC email ballot that authorizes me to forward
the document to the FCC as part of their 13-49 proceeding.
Please review the document and let me know if you have
suggestions to improve the content--but remember, I want to keep
this communication as brief and straightforward as possible.
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