[802SEC] Liaison letter for IEEE P2413
Dear 802 EC members
On 30 September, 2014, IEEE 802.24 received a liaison request from IEEE
In the January meeting, IEEE 802.24 TAG approved the following liaison
response to P2413's request
I am circulating this for comment from the EC and would like to placed
on the consent agenda for our February conference call as the final item
for consideration.
- Please take this week to read and suggest improvements/changes if
- Any member can remove it from the consent agenda, if so, it would be
the last item of business.
- If we don't have time to consider it, I will ask the Chair to
conduct it as an EC email ballot.
One item of interest is the P2413 is an entity based group. In our
liaison letter, I have requested that we "establish a method for members
of IEEE 802 WGs to get access to the drafts of P2413 for review and input."
James Gilb
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