Dear EC Members,
The tenative agenda for the Tuesday 09 OCT EC teleconference is as
1) Follow up from joint 802/IETF meeting--Thaler
2) Follow up from 802's entity application--Nikolich
3) Follow up from 802's request to access P1905.1 recirc drafts--Nikolich
4) Follow up from SC6 Graz meeting--Kraemer
5) Follow up from Geneva site visit--Rosdahl
6) Preparations for EC Workshop--Marks
7) Preparations for November plenary session (e.g., University
8) WG/TAG interim session reports (if necessary)--all
9) Follow up from SA's "OpenStand" announcement--McCabe/Mills
10) SA plans for World Conference on International Telecommunications
(WCIT-12) --Mills
11) Any other business--all
Please revise/add the tentative agenda as you see fit. The teleconference
dial-in instructions will be published when we get closer to the meeting.