[802SEC] Proposed rules changes for the March 2012 Plenary Session
To all interested parties,
I will be proposing rules changes at the March Plenary Session based on comments received since the EC workshop. The proposed rules changes can be found on the EC document server at:
The proposed rules changes can also be found below at the end of this posting. Proposed rules changes are required to be circulated at least 30 day prior to a vote. This posting is in satisfaction of that requirement.
Please post any comments on the proposed changes to this reflector.
Best regards,
Matthew Sherman, Ph.D.
Technical Director & Engineering Fellow
BAE Systems - Electronic Systems (ES)
Office: +1 973. 636.7510
Cell: +1 973.229.9520
email: matthew.sherman@baesystems.com<mailto:matthew.sherman@baesystems.com>
Proposed changes to the IEEE 802 LMSC P&P:
Modifications to Scope statement:
In Subclasue 1.1 Replace:
"The scope of the LMSC is to develop and maintain networking standards and recommended practices for local, metropolitan, and other area networks, using an open and accredited process, and to advocate them on a global basis."
"The scope of the IEEE 802 LMSC is to develop and maintain standards and recommended practices for local, metropolitan, and other area networks, using an open and accredited process, and to advocate them on a global basis. Its technical scope is intended to be flexible and is ultimately determined by the sum of its approved PARs. "
Correction to Cross Reference:
In Subclause 4.1 replace:
"c) Recognition that the individual is expected to act in accordance with the conditions stated in subclause 5.1 of the IEEE 802 Operations Manual dealing with voting "as both a professional and as an individual expert. ""
"c) Recognition that the individual is expected to act in accordance with the conditions stated in subclause 6.1 of the IEEE 802 Operations Manual dealing with voting "as both a professional and as an individual expert.""
Proposed changes to the IEEE 802 LMSC OM:
Clarification to recirculation requirements following Conditional approval:
In Clause 14 replace:
"Seeking conditional approval is only appropriate when ballot resolution efforts have been substantially completed and the approval ratio is sufficient. The conditional approval expires at the opening of the next plenary."
"Seeking conditional approval is only appropriate when ballot resolution efforts have been substantially completed and the approval ratio is sufficient. "Substantially complete" is when in the judgment of the WG Chair there is a very low likelihood of receiving valid new Disapprove comment(s)/vote(s) upon the next recirculation ballot. If a new valid disapprove comment/vote is received as a result of the recirculation ballot in process (or pending) at the time of conditional approval, the WG Chair may issue one subsequent recirculation ballot in an attempt to meet the conditional approval conditions. If the conditions are not met by the subsequent recirculation ballot, the conditional approval terminates. Otherwise the conditional approval expires at the opening of the next plenary. "
Proposed changes to the IEEE 802 LMSC WG P&P:
Clarification to WG officer term limits exemption:
In Subclause 9.3 Replace:
"e) Permit officer to run for election who has held the office for five (5) or more partial terms"
"e) Permit an officer to run for election who has held the office for five (5) or more full or partial terms. Any full or partial terms for a given office count towards this requirement even if not held consecutively. Permission to run should be sought at the plenary session prior to the session when the election will be held."
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