To clarify what I was saying about IEEE IEL search problems:
Using the areas pointed to by the read arrows for 802.1, the active list is missing 802.1Q and all 802.1Q amendments except for 802.1Qav-2009 (which isn't an active amendment since it was included in 802.1Q-2011) and 802.1ah and 802.1ag. The list of missing active standards includes 802.1Q, 802.1Qaz, 802.1Qbb, 802.1Qbc and 802.1Qbe. Their drafts are listed and a user might download the draft not realizing that the standard has been completed. Keyword searches, even those that are keywords only in an amendment that isn't found brings up the same defective list. Similar problems occurred for 802.3. Using the area pointed to by the green arrow finds the standards.
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.