[802SEC] PARs for July
I have updated the PARs page at http://www.ieee802.org/PARs.shtml.
By my accounting, we have the following PARs that have met the 30 day
posting requirement (we may yet get maintenance type PARs).
* 802.1AXbq amendment for distributed resilient network
interconnect, PAR and 5C
* 802.1ASbt amendment for timing and synchronization for
time-sensitive applications, PAR and 5C
* 802.1 AS corrigendum, PAR, no 5C required as this is a
maintenance item.
* 802.1BR new standard for bridge port extension, PAR and 5C
* 802.3bj amendment for 100 Gb/s operation over backplanes and
copper cables, PAR and 5C
* 802.15.4j amendment to 802.15.4 for TV white space PHY, PAR and 5C
* 802.22 amendment for management and control plane interfaces and
procedures and management information base enhancements, PAR and 5C
If I missed any, please tell me. I will put all these on the tentative
agenda for our closing session. 802.19 is up first based on our
rotation method.
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Recording Secretary
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