[802SEC] Endorsement and affiliation letters
Dear EC list readers
The terms for 802 EC members and WG Vice Chair's terms expire at the end
of the closing plenary session in March 2010 ("close of the first
plenary session of each even numbered year").
Anyone who is is to be confirmed by the Sponsor (WG Chairs and Vice
Chairs, TAG Chairs and Vice Chairs and Sponsor officers) is required to
file a letter of endorsement with the Recording Secretary (i.e., me) for
the upcoming 2 year term. The letter is to be signed by both "the
Sponsor member and an individual who has management responsibility for
the Sponsor member". There are specific requirements for the content of
this letter (given below).
An affiliation letter is also required. The affiliation letter is signed
by the Sponsor member.
These can be brought to the meeting, or if you wish, they can be mailed
to me at the address in the EC contact list (provided they arrive prior
to 10 March, 2010).
I have posted sample endorsement and affiliation letters to the 802
website at: http://www.ieee802.org/devdocs.shtml in both ODF and Word
For individuals who have served as Chair or Vice Chair of a WG for a
total of 5 terms or part terms and are running for another term should
provide the results of the motion from the WG permitting the individual
to stand for re-election (this would have had to been passed at the
November 2009 plenary meeting). (3.2.1 of the OM)
Endorsement letter requirements (4.1 in P&P):
This letter shall contain at least the following:
a) Statement of qualification based on technical expertise to fulfill
the assignment
b) Statement of support for providing necessary resources (e.g., time,
travel expenses to meetings), and
c) Recognition that the individual is expected to act in accordance
with the conditions stated in subclause 5.1 of the IEEE 802 Operations
Manual dealing with voting “as both a professional and as an individual
James Gilb
802 Recording Secretary
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.