[802SEC] Fw: identical comment on 802.19 PAR, 802.22PAR and 802.11PARs on TV White Space
Dear EC,
Below are my comments on the draft 802.19, 802.22 and 802.11 PARs on TV
White Space.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Nikolich" <paul.nikolich@att.net>
To: <shellhammer@ieee.org>; <bkraemer@ieee.org>; "Wendong HU"
Cc: "Paul Nikolich" <p.nikolich@ieee.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: identical comment on 802.19 PAR, 802.22PAR and 802.11PARs on TV
White Space
Steve, Bruce, Wendong,
Please circulate the following comments to your respective WGs regarding
the draft PARs on TV Whitespace.
1) The proposed 802.11 TV Whitespace PAR contains coexistence language
"It is in the best interest of users and the industry to strive for a
level of coexistence between wireless systems in the TVWS bands. WG11
TVWS provides mechanisms for coexistence with other systems. One approach
is a common coexistence mechanism that may be used by other TVWS systems;
other approaches are also possible."
2) The proposed 802.22 modified PAR also contains coexistence language
"It is in the best interest of users and the industry to strive for a
level of coexistence between wireless systems. The IEEE 802.22 WG provides
mechanisms for coexistence with other systems in the TVWS band. One
approach is a common coexistence mechanism that may be used by other TVWS
systems; other approaches are also possible.
3) The proposed 802.19 TV Whitespace Coexistence Mechanisms PAR contains
coexistence language
Scope: "The standard specifies mechanisms for coexistence among dissimilar
or independently operated TV Band Device (TVBD) networks and dissimilar TV
Band Devices." and
Purpose: "The purpose of the standard is to enable the family of IEEE 802
Wireless Standards to most effectively use TV White Space by providing
standard coexistence mechanisms among dissimilar or independently operated
TVBD networks and dissimilar TVBDs. This standard addresses coexistence
for IEEE 802 networks and devices and will also be useful for non IEEE 802
networks and TVBDs."
My comment:
There is a fair degree of common language in the coexistence language
taken from the above 3 draft PARs addressing the TV Whitespace bands.
Since the 3 draft PARs (dot 19, dot11 and dot22) are being proposed
simultaneously the groups haven't had much time to work on coordinating
their activities on the draft PAR language. However it will be useful for
EC members to better understand how the groups are thinking about
coordinating their coexistence specifications going forward.
I understand the groups have begun general discussion on coordinating
their activities--this is good. I believe any specifics that each of you
can provide regarding future coordination mechanisms among the 3 projects
would be useful to the EC members.
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