Re: [802SEC] MOTION: Forwarding P802.1Qau to Sponsor ballot
At 10:15 PM 10/27/2009 +0000, Tony Jeffree wrote:
>P802.1Qau/D2.3 has just completed its second Working Group recirculation
>ballot, and has
>now reached 100% approval. The ballot results were as follows:
>Voters only:
> No. %
>Yes 19 100
>No 0 0
>Yes or No 19 100
>Abs Time 10 17
>Abs Exp 29 50
>Abs Other 0 0
>Responses 58 57
>Voters 101 100
>Comments 1 (Approve vote with Editorial comment, not Required)
>57% of eligible voters responded, so the ballot is valid.
>100% of voters voting either Yes or No responded Yes, so Draft 2.3
>The one comment received (Approve vote with one Editorial comment) will be
>submitted to
>the initial Sponsor ballot; we don't plan to change the draft in order to
>resolve it
>before SB starts.
>Given the above, we would like to submit this project to Sponsor ballot
>prior to the start
>of the upcoming Plenary, so that we can maximize the probability of
>getting done with the
>Sponsor balloting by March 2010.
>Paul has authorized me to conduct an email ballot on the following motion:
>"The EC approves forwarding of P802.1Qau to Sponsor ballot."
>Moved: Tony Jeffree
>Second: Pat Thaler
>The email ballot will close on the 6th November, or, as allowed for in
>current P&P,
>earlier once sufficient response is received to clearly decide the matter.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Norman Finn (nfinn) []
>Sent: 27 October 2009 18:33
>To: Tony Jeffree; Pat Thaler
>Subject: Results of 802.1Qau ballot
>The results of the Working Group recirculation ballot on P802.1Qau D2.3:
>Voters only:
> No. %
>Yes 19 100
>No 0 0
>Yes or No 19 100
>Abs Time 10 17
>Abs Exp 29 50
>Abs Other 0 0
>Responses 58 57
>Voters 101 100
>Comments 1 2 (Yes vote with Editorial comment, not Required)
>57% of eligible voters responded, so the ballot is valid.
>100% of voters voting either Yes or No responded Yes, so Draft 2.3
>In addition, there was one Yes vote without comments from a non-voter.
>The ballot disposition document will be posted, today.
>-- Norm
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