[802SEC] Change in the Mentor (802 Documents) user-interface
Dear 802.11 members,
The user-interface of the 802.11 Document system (Mentor) has just been modified.
The old "Skip to DCN" feature was hard to use effectively. This feature has been replaced
with a DCN box. You type in an integer here, and the system will filter and display
only those documents with a matching DCN.
Thanks to Alex Ashley for reporting the problem with "Skip to DCN". If there
are any more complaints/bugs/infelicities/suggestions about this user-interface,
please send them to me. There's no guarantee I can get them addressed, but
there is a guarantee I won't get them addressed if you don't tell me :0).
Best Regards,
Tel: +44 1954 204 609 (office)
Tel: +44 792 008 4900 (mobile)
Skype: adrian_stephens
Intel Corporation (UK) Limited
Registered No. 1134945 (England)
Registered Office: Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RJ
VAT No: 860 2173 47
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