[802SEC] 19 July 2006 802 TF meeting notes
Attendess: Nikolich, Hawkins, Law, Thompson, Mills, LaBelle, Kerry, Turner, KimB, Kenney, Grow, Kipness, Tatiner
SOM: 1:10pm, EOM: 1:45pm
Meeting Notes:
1)myBallot/myProject update - Kipness
-Document numbering --Kipness to issue a summary of conclusions reached at EC meeting earlier this morning
2) Get IEEE 802T update - Hawkins/Kenney
- proposed budget to EC on Friday with a minimum of $337k, maximum $500k
- increase 'for fee' period from 6 months to 12 months
- solicit input from EC on requirements/information for thorough program
3) Attendance Software update - Labelle
- Bob is meeting with EC later this afternoon
4) European Patent Office update - Law
- MOU under negotiation; give search access without releasing IP rights
- Law as action to follow up on a 'search service' with potential revenue
5) Indemnification - Kipness
- non-US citizen when meeting in non-US venue (Stephen McCan brought this issue March 2006)
- Topp--IEEE rules apply regardless of venue
7) Anonymous letter update - Nikolich
- IEEE BoD directed investigation under way
- access to final report to all parties named in the letter and anyone interviewed to be requested by Nikolich of IEEE BoD
New Business:
8) Grow--renew request to improve rogue comments submission by including bulk submission.
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