[802SEC] still need opening plenary meeting slides
Thanks to Carl, Jerry, MikeL, Steve, MikeT, Roger, and Stuart for their opening plenary meeting slides.
I am still don't have (or misplaced) the opening plenary meeting slides from the dot1, dot3, dot15, and dot21 chairs. Please send them to me today (Saturday 12NOV.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Nikolich
To: IEEE802
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 6:08 PM
Subject: opening plenary meeting slides
Dear EC members,
Since we were not able to get unanimous agreement on extending the opening plenary meeting time to 12:30, I will try to keep it within the 11-noon time as scheduled. I would like to reserve a few minutes at the end for Q&A--approximately five minutes, to allow some time for interaction with the attendees in a group setting. Pat, I think your idea of allocating one of the opening tutorial slots for a 'open office hour' similar to what Steve Mills and I did in July is a good idea, however this time I'd welcome any WG/TAG chair that has the time to participate in the 'open office hour' as well.
Everyon that hasn't done so yet, please send me your opening plenary meeting slides by tomorrow (Saturday 12NOV). I will need time to aggregate them for our opening plenary meeting to make it as efficient as possible. Also, please try to keep the information in the slides to that which will be of most value to the participants.
Roger Marks, Mike Takefman, Mike Lynch, John Hawkins and Carl Stevenson--thanks for getting me your slides.
p.s. John Hawkins will not be able to attend next week due to a family emergency--I will send out his note separately to the EC members
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