Re: [802SEC] Affirmation of WG/TAG officers
802.16 held an election on Monday by paper ballot. The results were:
Roger Marks, 64 votes
no others
Vice Chair:
Ken Stanwood: 65 votes
no others
At 16:53 -0500 04/03/18, Paul Nikolich wrote:
>As per my instructions on Monday each WG/TAG should have completed
>their WG/TAG officer elections/re-affirmations prior to the EC
>Please be prepared to present the results of your elections at
>tomorrow's EC meeting for formal confirmation. For the sake of
>consistency I want to have each WG/TAG present the following data
>for each officer:
>- if a written ballot or count of hands was used, present the
>numerical results of the vote
>- if an acclamation vote was held, then present an estimate the
>number of voting members in the room at the time of the vote.
>If possible, please let the EC members have the above data before
>the EC meeting so that if their are questions, they can be answered
>prior to the EC meeting.