Re: [802SEC] +++ EC P&P Revision Ballot +++ on WG fiancial operations
The proposed text for "5.1.x Interim Sessions" flawed from my point of view in that it seems to disfavor the
operational mode of 802.3 as interims are generally not WG
8. The WG/TAG Treasurer shall present a
report to the WG/TAG membership at each
Plenary session summarizing all financial activity of the WG/TAG since
the last such
should be changed to:
8. The WG/TAG Treasurer shall present a
report to the WG/TAG membership at each opening
Plenary meeting summarizing all financial activity of the
WG/TAG since the last such
The text:
"12. If the WG/TAG is acting as the
common host for a joint interim session with other
WGs/TAGs, the registration fee collected from attendees that are not
attendees of the
host WG/TAG session may not be used for the operating expenses of the
WG/TAG that are not directly associated with the interim
session." not sufficiently comprehensive for the situations that may be
encountered such as standards meetings held at conferences and with
industry fora.
The text:
2. The Host is responsible for all
contracts and agreements for goods and services
provided for the session. Neither the WG/TAG, WG/TAG sub group nor any
of the group shall be a party to any of these contracts or agreements and
may not
force the terms of any of these contracts or agreements.
...needs the specific inclusion of liability for penalty clauses.
5. the Host on the next interim
session ...session.
should be:
5. the Host of the next interim
session ...session.
At 04:48 PM 9/9/2003 -0700, Bill Quackenbush wrote:
Dear EC members,
Attached you will find the text for an EC Policies and Procedures
revision ballot on WG Financial Operations. This letter ballot was
approved at the Friday, July 25, 2003 plenary session. The scope
and purpose of the changes being balloted are as given in the attached
ballot document.
The ballot opens September 10, 2003 and closes October 10, 2003 at 11:59
PM Pacific Time (Daylight or Standard as applicable). (Remember if you do
not vote or abstain it is equivalent to a DISAPPROVE vote).
please ensure this gets sent to the "802ALL" email list as
well. WG chairs, if you haven't already done so, please invite your
WG members to comment through you.