[802SEC] RE: 802 e-news bulletin draft
We will take your edits. We have all inputs but one and will post that way with Paul's OK. I am still trying to get that input.
-----Original Message-----
From: Roger B. Marks [mailto:r.b.marks@ieee.org]
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 1:18 PM
To: M.Klerer@flarion.com
Cc: stds-802-sec@ieee.org; k.mccabe@ieee.org; mbratnick@corecompr.com
Subject: Re: 802 e-news bulletin draft
What's up with the news bulletin? The last I heard was your note
below of August 5.
Regarding the draft bulletin, I have a few edits to make:
(a) The Task Group links got mangled and should be corrected:
http://wirelessman.dyndns.org/tga/ => http://ieee802.org/16/tga
http://wirelessman.dyndns.org/tgd/ => http://ieee802.org/16/tgd
http://wirelessman.dyndns.org/tge/ => http://ieee802.org/16/tge
http://wirelessman.dyndns.org/tgc/ => http://ieee802.org/16/tgc
(b) The reference at the end to the 802.16 Session #24 Report should
have been updated to refer to Session #26, with the link updated
accordingly (changing "mtg24" to "mtg26").
(c) Under Upcoming IEEE 802.16 Meetings, change our September session to:
* 8-11 September 2003 -- IEEE 802.16 interim meeting in Denver, CO, USA
>The input to the Bulletin is currently past due. The current status of the
>content is not sufficiently complete to allow as going public with the News
>Bulletin. I would appreciate it if all of you could provide me with the
>final input by tomorrow COB.
>Thank You
>Mark Klerer
>PS I have 802.1 and 802.16
>The first draft of the bulletin is available at the following url.
>User Name: 802review
>Password: 802review
>Please remember that we are looking for input to the final version by July
>30, 2003.
>Mark Klerer