[802SEC] RE: Poke!
Geoff, Dawn and Jennifer are just finishing up the meeting announcement package for Albuquerque. We had a bit of a SNAFU on the Hotel's Web Reservations system that made it almost impossible to get a hotel reservation, so we want that to be completely fixed before we post the information.
Thanx, Buzz
Dr. Everett O. (Buzz) Rigsbee
Boeing - SSG
PO Box 3707, M/S: 7M-FM
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
(425) 865-2443 Fx: (425) 865-6721
-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Thompson [mailto:gthompso@nortelnetworks.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 1:36 PM
To: bob.ohara@ieee.org; Rigsbee, Everett O
Cc: stds-802-sec@ieee.org; DawnS@FaceToFace-events.com
Subject: Poke!
I just wanted to tell someone about the November meeting and was going to
give them the URL
When I checked I noticed that there is nothing posted for November yet.
what's the delay?
| Geoffrey O. Thompson |
| Vice Chair, IEEE 802 |
| Nortel Networks, Inc. M/S: P79/06/B04 |
| 4655 Great America Parkway |
| P. O. Box 58185 |
| Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185 USA |
| Phone: +1 408 495 1339 |
| Fax: +1 408 495 5615 |
| E-Mail: thompson@ieee.org |
| Please see the IEEE 802 web page at |
| http://www.ieee802.org/