[802SEC] two 802.16 PARs for agenda of SEC meeting 25 July
Dear SEC:
In accordance with the 30 day rule, 802.16 submitted two revised PARs for consideration at this Plenary Session. Both would convert existing Amendment projects into Revision projects.
We received no formal comments. However, I sought the advice of Howard Frazier, and he suggested some changes. I reviewed the issues with several senior 802 SEC members and IEEE staff. As result, I am submitting modified versions of both PARs. In both cases, the changes are of two types:
(1) Adding a letter to the PAR identifier, so that the identifier of the Revision PAR is identical to that of the predecessor Amendment PAR. Therefore, the PARs are now proposed with the identifiers 802.16d and 802.16.2a (instead of 802.16 and 802.16.2).
(2) Deleting the Additional Explanatory Notes. These notes concerned the Scope and Purpose. Materials from the notes were, in some cases, merged into the actual Scope and Purpose sections.
So, I would like to add the following item to the agenda of the SEC meeting of Friday 25 July:
ME Revised P802.16d PAR (IEEE 802.16-03/26r2) to NesCom
802 LAN: http://mercury/docs/03/80216-03_26r2.pdf
Internet: http://ieee802.org/16/docs/03/80216-03_26r2.pdf
ME Revised P802.16d PAR (IEEE 802.16-03/27r1) to NesCom
802 LAN: http://mercury/docs/03/80216-03_27r1.pdf
Internet: http://ieee802.org/16/docs/03/80216-03_27r1.pdf
Full documentation of the 802.16 issues for the closing SEC meetings is here:
802 LAN: http://mercury/meetings/mtg26/lmsc/index.html
Internet: http://ieee802.org/16/meetings/mtg26/lmsc/index.html