Re: [802SEC] +++SEC MOTION+++802 Plenary network expenditures
Bob H.
At 03:13 PM 6/6/03 -0400, Paul Nikolich wrote:
>Dear SEC members,
>This is a 15 day SEC email ballot to make a determination by SEC motion to
>authorize an increase in the amount budgeted for network services. See the
>specific motion wording below.
>Moved by Bill Quackenbush
>Seconded by Carl Stevenson
>The email ballot opens on Friday June 6th 4PM ET and closes Saturday June
>21st, 2003 4PM ET.
>Please direct your responses to the SEC reflector with a CC directly to me
>- Paul Nikolich
> That the budget for the network at a LMSC Plenary session be increased
>from $25k to $30k with a maximum expenditure of $33k/session and that the
>LMSC is authorized to enter into a multi-session contract contract for the
>configuration, operation and management of said network subject to the
>above budget and expenditure limits.
>MOVED: Bill Qauckenbush
>SECOND: Carl Stevenson
>RATIONALE (per BillQ's original email):
>Given the 30% increase in Plenary session attendance from 11/02 to 3/03 and
>even greater projected attendance at the 7/03 and 11/03 Plenary sessions,
>the $25k/Pleanry session budget networking does not appear to be enough.
>Given the load and dependence a number of the WGs are placing on the Plenary
>session network, I believe that we need more bandwidth to the outside world
>and we need full-time professional network management.
>We had a single T1 to the outside world at DFW which was clearly not enough
>and for which we likely set a world record for sustained load. We are
>working on 4xT1 for SF with a cost of something like $8k.
>We are also talking with I.D.E.A.L. Technologies about a contract to
>configure, operate and manage the network on a full-time basis.
>To that end I make the following motion.
>That the budget for the network at a LMSC Plenary session be increased from
>$25k to $30k with a maximum expenditure of $33k/session and that the LMSC is
>authorized to enter into a multi-session contract contract for the
>configuration, operation and management of said network subject to the
>above budget and expenditure limits.
> wlq
Bob Heile, Ph.D
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks
Chair, ZigBee Alliance
11 Louis Road
Attleboro, MA 02703 USA
Phone: 508-222-1393
Mobile: 781-929-4832
Fax: 508-222-0515
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